One size doesn't fit all, which is why AvionLog has a free trial period that adapts to how much and how often you fly.
Make use of our industry leading free trial to see if AvionLog is the best electronic pilot logbook for you. We promise that if you aren't satisfied by the end of your trial, we will help you move to any other logbook app provider, no questions asked!
Our adaptive free trial responds to how much you fly. If you fly more than 700 hours a year, you will get 6 months of free use from AvionLog. If you fly less than 700 hours a year, AvionLog automatically keeps you logging until you reach the 350 flight hour threshold.
If you trial the AvionLog logbook app and choose not to use us, you won't get any surprise billings. Our philosophy is to always keep you in control. Your free trial does not automatically roll in to a paid subscription.
To subscribe, in AvionLog go to Settings > General Info & Subscriptions and click 'Purchase Subscription'.
Your previous flight hours will not affect your free trial period. By using our innovative 'historic flights' feature you can carry forward your historic flight time into AvionLog. Only flights that you log in the flights page of AvionLog will count towards your 350 flight hour limit. Simulator hours and any non-flight duty logging also does not affect your free trial.
We want you to have the best best pilot logbook app experience. To ensure this, all of our features are available during your trial period without exception.
We wanted to keep the pricing model as simple and clear as possible. AvionLog is available for $39.99 USD per year. Please note that prices vary by your app store location. We do our best to keep your local price as close to that as possible.
There is no device limit. The only restriction is that your devices need to be under the same iCloud account.
While the annual subscription is for the app, we consider it an obligation to provide you with excellent customer service. As a pilot, you should be completely satisfied with your logbook app experience. Use the contact section of this website or the feedback button within the settings section of AvionLog to reach out to us.
Alternatively, we can be contacted via Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
We appreciate hearing from our customers and working with you to
enhance your experience.
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